Package: macathena-attachandrun Version: 22699 Revision: 1 Source: Maintainer: SIPB MacAthena Project HomePage: License: BSD Description: Utility to run a program from a locker DescDetail: << An Athena utility for scripts to run a program from a locker. The attachandrun utility allows a script to robustly run a program from a specified locker. << Source-MD5: 2bd1fbabe34ea11a3c1d7565c374641d Depends: macathena-attach BuildDepends: automake1.9 UpdateConfigGuess: true CompileScript: << cp %p/share/automake-1.9/install-sh %b/ cp %p/share/automake-1.9/mkinstalldirs %b/ autoconf ./configure %c make << InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i mkdir -p %d/bin ln -s %p/bin/attachandrun %d/bin/attachandrun <<