Package: macathena-delete Version: 23271 Revision: 1 Source: Maintainer: SIPB MacAthena Project HomePage: License: BSD Description: Athena's friendlier version of rm DescDetail: << The delete utility marks files and directories for later permanent removal by prefixing them with '.#'. Files accidentally marked for deletion can be recovered with undelete. Permanent removal can be effected immediately with the purge and expunge commands. The lsdel utility lists the files that have been marked for deletion but not yet removed. << Source-MD5: 441cc4e16d28a9d84a27349074dd3029 DocFiles: athena-copyright BuildDepends: automake1.9, macathena-base (>= 76-1) UpdateConfigGuess: true CompileScript: << cp %p/share/macathena-base/athena-copyright %b/ cp %p/share/automake-1.9/install-sh %b/ cp %p/share/automake-1.9/mkinstalldirs %b/ autoconf ./configure %c make <<