1 |
Package: macathena-moira |
2 |
Version: svn4008 |
3 |
Revision: 1 |
4 |
Source: http://macathena.mit.edu/dist/moira-%v.tar.gz |
5 |
Maintainer: SIPB MacAthena Project <sipb-macathena@mit.edu> |
6 |
HomePage: http://macathena.mit.edu/ |
7 |
License: BSD |
8 |
Description: The Athena Service Management system |
9 |
DescDetail: << |
10 |
Moira is the Athena Service Management system. It serves as the |
11 |
central repository for information about users, groups hosts, print |
12 |
queues, and several other aspects of the Athena environment. |
13 |
<< |
14 |
Source-MD5: 35aa69d3b09f293d8d468e41cd782aa9 |
15 |
16 |
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r), macathena-mrclient-shlibs (= %v-%r), macathena-hesiod, libncurses5-shlibs |
17 |
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), libncurses5 |
18 |
UpdateConfigGuess: true |
19 |
ConfigureParams: --with-krb5 --without-krb4 --with-com_err --with-hesiod --mandir=%p/share/man |
20 |
CompileScript: << |
21 |
autoconf |
22 |
env TERM=vt100 ./configure %c |
23 |
make |
24 |
<< |
25 |
InstallScript: << |
26 |
make install DESTDIR=%d |
27 |
mv %i/bin/chfn %i/bin/chfn.moira |
28 |
mv %i/bin/chsh %i/bin/chsh.moira |
29 |
mv %i/share/man/man1/chfn.1 %i/share/man/man1/chfn.moira.1 |
30 |
mv %i/share/man/man1/chsh.1 %i/share/man/man1/chsh.moira.1 |
31 |
32 |
%b/mkinstalldirs %i/share/doc/%n |
33 |
cat %b/include/mit-copyright.h | python -c "import sys; print ''.join(sys.stdin.readlines()[2:-2])" >%i/share/doc/%n/copyright |
34 |
<< |
35 |
36 |
SplitOff: << |
37 |
Package: macathena-mrclient-shlibs |
38 |
Depends: %N-shlibs |
39 |
Files: %lib/libmrclient.*.dylib |
40 |
Shlibs: << |
41 |
%p/%lib/libmrclient.0.dylib 1.0.0 macathena-mrclient-shlibs (>= svn3965-1) |
42 |
<< |
43 |
<< |
44 |
SplitOff2: << |
45 |
Package: macathena-mrclient-dev |
46 |
Depends: macathena-mrclient-shlibs (= %v-%r) |
47 |
BuildDependsOnly: True |
48 |
Files: %lib/libmrclient.dylib %lib/libmrclient.la %lib/libmrclient.a include/moira/mrclient.h |
49 |
<< |
50 |
SplitOff3: << |
51 |
Package: %N-shlibs |
52 |
Files: %lib/libmoira.*.dylib |
53 |
Shlibs: << |
54 |
%p/%lib/libmoira.0.dylib 1.0.0 %N-shlibs (>= svn3945-1) |
55 |
<< |
56 |
<< |
57 |
SplitOff4: << |
58 |
Package: %N-dev |
59 |
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) |
60 |
BuildDependsOnly: True |
61 |
Files: %lib/libmoira.dylib %lib/libmoira.la %lib/libmoira.a include share/man/man3 |
62 |
<< |
63 |
SplitOff5: << |
64 |
Package: %N-update-server |
65 |
Depends: %N-shlibs (= %v-%r) |
66 |
Files: etc sbin/update_server share/man/man8/update_server.* |
67 |
<< |