class Options(object): __slots__ = ['verbosity', 'action', 'access', 'auth', 'zephyr'] verbosity = 'verbose' """ How much to print Valid values: - verbose - quiet (only print errors) - path (only print the source path of the filesystem) """ action = True """ Whether or not to actually do something. If this is False, then information will be printed, but nothing will actually happen """ access = None """ This is meaningless for AFS filesystems, but we'll track it anyway, just in case. Values: - None: Use the access value in Hesiod, or if none is provided, 'w' - 'r': Read only - 'w': Read/write """ auth = True """ Whether and how to authenticate (or for detach, deauthenticate) against the filesystem Values: - True: always auth or deauth regardless of whether the filesystem is currently attached or not (default) - False: auth if the filesystem has not yet been attached, and deauth if the filesystem has not yet been detached - None: never authenticate or deauthenticate """ zephyr = True """ Whether or not to update Zephyr subscriptions with fileserver information for the specified filesystem. """