2 | | Package: macathena-hesiod-py%type_pkg[python] |
3 | | Type: python (2.3 2.4 2.5) |
4 | | Version: 0.2.2 |
5 | | Revision: 1 |
6 | | Source: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/PyHesiod/PyHesiod-%v.tar.gz |
7 | | Maintainer: Evan Broder <ebroder@ebroder.net> |
8 | | HomePage: http://ebroder.net/code/PyHesiod |
9 | | License: BSD |
10 | | Description: Python bindings for the Hesiod name resolution library |
11 | | Source-MD5: 60f82d3aeb3ed5bb8d0e843fe6e9e51b |
12 | | DocFiles: COPYING |
13 | | |
14 | | Depends: macathena-libhesiod, pyrex-py%type_pkg[python], setuptools-py%type_pkg[python], python%type_pkg[python] |
15 | | Conflicts: macathena-pyhesiodfs (<= 144) |
16 | | CompileScript: << |
17 | | %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py build |
18 | | << |
19 | | InstallScript: << |
20 | | %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --root=%d |
21 | | << |
| 2 | Package: macathena-hesiod-py%type_pkg[python] |
| 3 | Type: python (2.3 2.4 2.5) |
| 4 | Version: 0.2.3 |
| 5 | Revision: 2 |
| 6 | Source: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/PyHesiod/PyHesiod-%v.tar.gz |
| 7 | Maintainer: Evan Broder <ebroder@ebroder.net> |
| 8 | HomePage: http://ebroder.net/code/PyHesiod |
| 9 | License: BSD |
| 10 | Description: Python bindings for the Hesiod name resolution library |
| 11 | Source-MD5: bc8cf0a6832d546c4db9275f04fd8311 |
| 12 | DocFiles: COPYING |
| 13 | |
| 14 | Depends: macathena-libhesiod, pyrex-py%type_pkg[python], setuptools-py%type_pkg[python], python%type_pkg[python] |
| 15 | Replaces: macathena-pyhesiodfs (<< 144) |
| 16 | CompileScript: << |
| 17 | %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py build |