Index: /trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/ =================================================================== --- /trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/ (revision 66) +++ /trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/ (revision 66) @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Package: macathena-libxj +Version: 22699 +Revision: 1 +Source: +Maintainer: SIPB MacAthena Project +HomePage: +License: BSD +Description: Widget library used by many Athena programs. +Source-MD5: a23f2c49c3e585c66f9f7d7310fe4a75 + +BuildDepends: automake1.9 +UpdateConfigGuess: true +CompileScript: << + cp %p/share/automake-1.9/install-sh %b/ + cp %p/share/automake-1.9/mkinstalldirs %b/ + autoconf + ./configure %c + make +<< +InstallScript: << + make install prefix=%i +<< Index: /trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/ =================================================================== --- /trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/ (revision 66) +++ /trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/ (revision 66) @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +Package: macathena-getcluster +Version: 22699 +Revision: 1 +Source: +Maintainer: SIPB MacAthena Project +HomePage: +License: BSD +Description: Retrieve Hesiod info for Athena workstations +DescDetail: << + Retrieve service cluster info from Hesiod for Athena workstations + The getcluster program is used on all Athena workstations to find the + service cluster information for the workstation and writes a list of + environment variable assignments which can be used to initialize a + shell accordingly. +<< +Source-MD5: f14fed0f86802db22e5a7c6f905cddf6 + +Depends: macathena-libhesiod +BuildDepends: automake1.9 +UpdateConfigGuess: true +CompileScript: << + cp %p/share/automake-1.9/install-sh %b/ + cp %p/share/automake-1.9/mkinstalldirs %b/ + autoconf + ./configure %c + make +<< +InstallScript: << + make install prefix=%i +<< Index: /trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/ =================================================================== --- /trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/ (revision 62) +++ /trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/ (revision 66) @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Package: macathena-standard Version: 0.1 -Revision: 1 +Revision: 2 Type: bundle Maintainer: SIPB MacAthena Project @@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ Description: Metapackage providing MacAthena standard environment -Depends: pyhesiodfs, macathena-athrun, macathena-moira, macathena-machtype, macathena-athinfo +Depends: pyhesiodfs, macathena-athrun, macathena-getcluster, macathena-libxj, macathena-moira, macathena-machtype, macathena-athinfo, macathena-update