Index: trunk/site/index.html =================================================================== --- trunk/site/index.html (revision 98) +++ trunk/site/index.html (revision 99) @@ -13,12 +13,93 @@

The MacAthena project is working to bring the functionality of the Athena system to your Mac OS X Tiger or Leopard system.



+ +

Eventually, the MacAthena project would like to offer:

+ + +

Install Instructions


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed eu mauris. Donec eget mauris. Nullam nulla justo, semper id, tristique id, posuere at, nunc. Etiam egestas commodo massa. Aenean vel nisi eget lacus aliquam tempor. Proin et magna non quam euismod hendrerit. Curabitur mattis. Curabitur commodo, mauris eget imperdiet feugiat, felis mauris tincidunt nunc, ut dapibus lacus lectus scelerisque nisi. Phasellus sem lacus, ultrices eget, scelerisque eu, posuere sit amet, urna. Sed ullamcorper, neque id facilisis cursus, diam nulla laoreet dui, non consequat nulla odio id lectus. Mauris tempor ligula sit amet diam. Curabitur et dui eu lacus mollis rhoncus. Proin ante enim, volutpat convallis, rutrum a, pretium non, urna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras blandit, orci quis bibendum pretium, risus urna egestas nulla, ut semper sem ligula nec mi. Nullam a est a nunc scelerisque porttitor.


Preparing Your System

+ +

MacAthena takes advantage of several other software packages that are required to install MacAthena.

+ +
    + +
  1. First, you should install the OS X Kerberos Extras. These will configure your computer for the ATHENA.MIT.EDU Kerberos realm.

  2. + +
  3. Second, many components in MacAthena depend on AFS, the distributed network filesystem. MacAthena is tested on version 1.4.6 of OpenAFS.

  4. + +
  5. You'll also need the Mac OS X Developer Tools, which can be installed either from your Mac OS X install CD or DVD, or downloaded from the Apple Developer Connection.

  6. + +
  7. Finally, MacAthena uses the Fink project for package management. If you are using Mac OS X Tiger, there is a binary distribution available. If you're using Mac OS X Leopard, you'll need to download the source distribution and bootstrap using the instructions on that page.

    + +

    When you install Fink, there are a few important settings to ensure the best compatibility with MacAthena. You should be sure to enable the unstable branch. Also, in the mirror selection section, you should be sure to ‘Search “Master” source mirrors last.’

    + +
    The Fink team maintains mirrors known as "Master" mirrors, which contain the
    +sources for all fink packages. You can choose to use these mirrors first, last,
    +never, or mixed in with regular mirrors. If you don't care, just select the

    Sed commodo molestie


    ante. Nam iaculis. In a nulla sit amet est luctus condimentum. Quisque consequat. Sed lacus augue, facilisis sed, sodales eu, varius sit amet, metus. Proin eget ligula et sapien porttitor tincidunt. Ut mollis, tellus a pretium volutpat, ipsum nisl elementum pede, at porta ipsum magna dignissim diam. Curabitur dapibus adipiscing diam. Maecenas nulla sem, volutpat non, facilisis ut, commodo vulputate, dolor. Mauris posuere justo id eros. Nam consectetuer mauris in nunc. Maecenas pretium molestie metus. Sed nisi est, semper a, tincidunt sed, euismod quis, tortor. Nulla eros. Maecenas malesuada rhoncus turpis. Nam tristique arcu eu odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum aliquet sollicitudin ligula.

    +(1) Search "Master" source mirrors first. +(2) Search "Master" source mirrors last. +(3) Never use "Master" source mirrors. +(4) Search closest source mirrors first. (combine all mirrors into one set) -

    Nulla nulla pede, euismod nec, commodo nec, iaculis at, dui. Duis dignissim, justo vel sollicitudin auctor, magna tellus bibendum nunc, a ultricies magna quam sit amet metus. Donec interdum porta mauris. Cras risus urna, molestie a, sollicitudin eget, pretium in, mi. Praesent at massa at diam mollis mollis. Quisque eros eros, aliquet a, accumsan et, malesuada dapibus, diam. Aenean tristique feugiat magna. Nam pede diam, rhoncus nec, porttitor vel, facilisis a, tortor. Donec ac dolor. Donec tincidunt turpis at orci. Donec urna tellus, rhoncus nec, venenatis sit amet, ultricies nec, diam. Morbi iaculis scelerisque velit. Mauris faucibus justo sit amet tortor. Fusce sapien.

    +What mirror order should fink use when downloading sources? [2] 2 +
    + +

    Once you've finished installing Fink, you'll want to run:

    + +
    + +

    and click OK in the dialog that displays.

  8. + +
  9. If you have used Google's installer for MacFUSE, you may want to uninstall it. We will install our own version of FUSE as part of the MacAthena install process. Google maintains instructions on how to uninstall FUSE

  10. + +
+ +

Installing MacAthena

+ +

To install MacAthena, first run:

+ +
cd /svn/fink/dists
+sudo svn co macathena
+ +

You'll get a warning about the SSL certificate. If you'd like, you can verify it against the fingerprint on a secure page: F8:C5:9C:10:22:23:2E:56:1D:8A:53:7C:FD:9C:3B:96:8A:A2:71:BA

+ +

Next, edit /sw/etc/fink.conf with whatever text editor you prefer, and edit the Trees: line to read:

+ +
Trees: local/main stable/main stable/crypto unstable/main unstable/crypto macathena/main
+ +

Using a Binary Distribution

+ +

If you are using an Intel Mac, we are testing a binary distributions. If you are not using an Intel Mac or wish to compile all packages from source, feel free to skip to the Install the Packages section.

+ +

To use the binary distribution, first find the UseBinaryDist line in /sw/etc/fink.conf and set it to

+ +
UseBinaryDist: true
+ +

Next, edit /sw/etc/apt/sources.list and add the following lines to the very beginning of the file:

+ +
deb macathena main
+deb stable main crypto
+deb unstable main crypto
+ +

Installing the Packages

+ +

Once you've setup the MacAthena trees in Fink, run:

+ +
fink index
+fink install macathena-standard
+ +

Finally, please subscribe to our announcement list, so that we can send updates about new development:

+ +
blanche macathena-announce -a $USER