# # ChangeLog for / # # Generated by Trac 0.10.4 # 11/25/24 05:50:02 # 02/21/08 00:57:56 broder [118] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-config.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-standard.info (modified) Created macathena-config meta-package and made macathena-standard depend on it 02/19/08 01:13:08 broder [117] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-afs-config.info (modified) New version of AFS package; also turns on AFS encryption by default 02/19/08 01:09:03 broder [116] * trunk/source/afs-config/settings.plist.macathena (added) We should be overriding RealModes 02/18/08 13:10:52 broder [115] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Forgot to commit new packages to macathenaDist 02/17/08 21:57:33 broder [114] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-afs-config.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-config-common.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.patch (modified) Created macathean-afs-config package; also made the sysname compat list better 02/17/08 21:53:08 broder [113] * trunk/source/afs-config/afs.conf.macathena.in (moved) * trunk/source/afs-config/configure.in (added) More changes because the path to machtype needs to be explicit 02/17/08 21:41:24 broder [112] * trunk/source/afs-config/afs.conf.macathena (added) * trunk/source/afs-config/copyright (added) Adding some missing files 02/17/08 21:10:16 broder [111] * trunk/source/afs-config (added) * trunk/source/afs-config/CellAlias.macathena (added) * trunk/source/afs-config/CellServDB.macathena (added) * trunk/source/afs-config/ThisCell.macathena (added) * trunk/source/config-common (added) * trunk/source/config-common/copyright (added) * trunk/source/config-common/divert.sh (added) Starting to try and build config packages 02/17/08 18:34:38 broder [110] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-afs-conf-patch.info (modified) Updating .info file to reflect changes in package version 02/17/08 18:31:58 broder [109] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-afs-conf-patch.info (modified) * trunk/source/afs-conf-patch/readme (modified) Making error messages angrier 02/17/08 18:02:44 broder [108] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-afs-conf-patch.info (added) * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) macathena-afs-conf-patch checks to see if my AFS patch is installed. If the patch has not been installed, it errors out and points the user to the .pkg installer I wrote. I think that this is better than actually applying the patch directly because it becomes much clearer what it means to "uninstall" this package 02/17/08 16:14:58 broder [107] * trunk/source/afs-conf-patch (added) * trunk/source/afs-conf-patch/copyright (added) * trunk/source/afs-conf-patch/readme (added) Creating package to test for my afs.conf patch 02/02/08 17:35:43 broder [106] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-update.info (modified) Sorry - forgot to update the MD5 sum 02/02/08 17:34:28 broder [105] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-update.info (modified) * trunk/source/update/macathena-update (modified) macathena-update will now attempt to update all macathena-* packages 02/02/08 05:49:50 broder [104] * trunk/site/styles/macathena-trac.css (added) * trunk/site/styles/style.css (modified) Altered site CSS to be able to use it with Trac 02/02/08 05:48:18 broder [103] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-standard.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-tellme.info (added) * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Created macathena-tellme and added it to macathena-standard 02/01/08 21:37:15 broder [102] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-add.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attach.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-basic.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-pyhesiodfs.info (moved) Renamed pyhesiodfs package to macathena-pyhesiodfs 01/31/08 16:02:09 broder [101] * trunk/site/install.html (modified) * trunk/site/styles/style.css (modified) Fixed some of the copy and the horizontal line under the titles in Firefox 01/31/08 05:19:14 broder [100] * trunk/site/images/gradient.png (modified) * trunk/site/index.html (modified) * trunk/site/install.html (added) * trunk/site/styles/layout.css (modified) Put install instructions on their own page 01/31/08 04:47:08 broder [99] * trunk/site/index.html (modified) * trunk/site/styles/layout.css (modified) * trunk/site/styles/style.css (modified) Installation instructions (and some other real content) with some editing from geofft. I'm probably going to spin the installation instructions off to their own page shortly 01/30/08 05:58:24 broder [98] * trunk/site/images (added) * trunk/site/images/gradient.png (added) * trunk/site/index.html (added) * trunk/site/styles (added) * trunk/site/styles/layout.css (added) * trunk/site/styles/style.css (added) Initial layout work with lorem ipsum for content. Thank to andersk, quentin, and biyeun who also provided input on the layout 01/30/08 02:46:37 broder [97] * trunk/site (added) Creating site directory so I can check it out on macathena.mit.edu 01/29/08 17:16:30 broder [96] * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/Library (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/Library/StartupItems (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/Library/StartupItems/OpenAFS (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/Library/StartupItems/OpenAFS/OpenAFS (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/private (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/private/var (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/private/var/db (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/private/var/db/openafs (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/private/var/db/openafs/etc (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/private/var/db/openafs/etc/ThisCell.sample (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/private/var/db/openafs/etc/config (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/install-tree/private/var/db/openafs/etc/config/afs.conf.sample (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/openafs-conf-update.pmdoc (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/openafs-conf-update.pmdoc/01install-contents.xml (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/openafs-conf-update.pmdoc/01install.xml (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/openafs-conf-update.pmdoc/index.xml (added) * trunk/source/openafs-conf-update/postinstall (added) Built package to install my patch to OpenAFS 01/29/08 16:57:24 quentin [95] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-ssl-certificates.info (modified) On 10.5, check if the SSL certificate exists before attempting to add it 01/29/08 16:02:16 broder [94] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-ssl-certificates.info (modified) One more - macathena-ssl-certificates apparently didn't fail cleanly if the cert was already in the keychain. This may have been a problem limited to 10.4 only, but I added the same fix for both 10.5 and 10.4 01/29/08 15:51:20 broder [93] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-ssl-certificates.info (modified) Fixed a few bugs 01/29/08 15:42:32 broder [92] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-basic.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-ssl-certificates.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-standard.info (modified) Made a macathena-basic package and hopefully fixed macathena-ssl- certificates to work on 10.4 01/29/08 06:06:19 broder [91] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-ssl-certificates.info (modified) Forgot to bring ssl-certificates to the latest svn revision 01/29/08 06:03:10 broder [90] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-standard.info (modified) And one more! Adding macathena-ssl-certificates to macathena-standard I swear I'll spin these off into subpackages Real Soon Now 01/29/08 06:02:04 broder [89] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) And stage three: adding the new package to macathenaDist.py 01/29/08 06:01:30 broder [88] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-ssl-certificates.info (added) * trunk/source/ssl-certificates/Makefile (deleted) Makefile wasn't necessary after all. Also, created the actual package. 01/29/08 05:23:48 broder [87] * trunk/source/ssl-certificates/Makefile (modified) Still an idiot - forgot that percent expansion doesn't happen outside of fink's .info files 01/29/08 05:18:53 broder [86] * trunk/source/ssl-certificates/copyright (added) Sorry! Forgot the copyright file 01/29/08 05:12:42 broder [85] * trunk/source/ssl-certificates (added) * trunk/source/ssl-certificates/Makefile (added) * trunk/source/ssl-certificates/mitCA.pem (added) Commit 1 of 3 - creating the source distribution for macathena-ssl- certificates 01/29/08 03:34:44 broder [84] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/e2fsprogs-libs.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/e2fsprogs-libs.patch (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athinfo.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athrun.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attachandrun.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-delete.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-discuss.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-discuss.patch (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-getcluster.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-hesiod.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-just.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libathdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libgms.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libxj.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-standard.info (modified) discuss works! Also, restructured how the DocFiles are defined for approximately everything 01/28/08 02:18:44 broder [83] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/e2fsprogs-libs.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-delete.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-just.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libgms.info (added) macathena-just, macathena-delete, macathena-libgms (trying to use for macathena-get-message), and e2fsprogs-libs (which contains libss for discuss) 01/28/08 02:18:10 broder [82] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Added 3 new packages - finkinfo file commit to come sortly 01/27/08 17:09:45 broder [81] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-add.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attach.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-base.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-hesiod.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libhesiod.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-update.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (modified) Made some slight adjustments to how the copyright files are added. Didn't increment the package revisions because it doesn't actually change what happens. 01/27/08 14:44:56 broder [80] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-add.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athinfo.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athrun.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attach.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attachandrun.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-base.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-getcluster.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-hesiod.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-hesiod.patch (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libathdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libhesiod.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libhesiod.patch (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libxj.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-moira.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-update.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (modified) Added license information to all of the packags (fixes #5) 01/27/08 14:44:51 broder [79] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Added base package to macathenaDist.py - includes license files 01/27/08 13:16:11 broder [78] * trunk/source/add/copyright (added) * trunk/source/attach/copyright (added) * trunk/source/update/copyright (added) Meant to commit these too - adds copyright files to macathena-add, macathena-attach, and macathena-update (see #5) I'm releasing macathena-update as public demain because there's just nothing to it; the other two are going under the MIT license 01/27/08 13:14:48 broder [77] * trunk/source/pyhesiodfs/COPYING (added) * trunk/source/pyhesiodfs/configure.in (deleted) * trunk/source/pyhesiodfs/copyright (added) * trunk/source/pyhesiodfs/edu.mit.sipb.mit-automounter.plist (moved) Changing pyhesiodfs to comply with licensing (see #5) and removing autoconf files - they'll be replaced by a patch script in the fink installer 01/27/08 12:37:25 broder [76] * trunk/source/base (added) * trunk/source/base/athena-copyright (added) * trunk/source/base/copyright (added) * trunk/source/base/reactivate (added) * trunk/source/base/version (added) We need an actual distribution file to comply with fink's licensing rules and so forth 01/27/08 05:25:14 broder [75] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (modified) If macathena-add and macathena-attach had problems with paths not existing (see #3), then pyhesiodfs probably will too. Also, if things are working right, this should fix #4 01/27/08 02:17:46 broder [74] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-add.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athinfo.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athrun.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attach.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attachandrun.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-getcluster.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libathdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libxj.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-moira.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-update.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (modified) Updated checksums to match new macathenaDist.py 01/27/08 02:17:29 broder [73] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Fixed to make sure checksums stay consistent 01/27/08 01:39:11 broder [72] * trunk/source/add/macathena-add.csh (modified) macathena-add.csh should also be executable 01/25/08 22:18:57 broder [71] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attach.info (modified) Making the directory /before/ Python tries to write to it is probably a good idea 01/25/08 22:17:12 broder [70] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attach.info (modified) Apparently you need to explicitly create the lib/python2.5/site- packages path 01/25/08 22:15:58 broder [69] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-add.info (modified) I'm an idiot. If this doesn't work I'm explicitly adding the path for the python executable 01/25/08 22:07:20 broder [68] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-add.info (modified) Ok - trying again? This time with the appropriate revision number bump 01/25/08 22:01:43 broder [67] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-add.info (modified) Trying to fix Greg's install errors 01/25/08 21:38:30 broder [66] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-getcluster.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libxj.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-standard.info (modified) Added libxj and getcluster (I know they're useless, but I ported them once already) 01/25/08 05:17:02 broder [65] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Added macathena-update to sources list 01/25/08 05:16:42 broder [64] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-update.info (added) macathena-update package - macathenaDist.py commit to come shortly 01/25/08 05:09:28 broder [63] * trunk/source/update (added) * trunk/source/update/macathena-update (added) Script to update MacAthena because I can't do it through fink 01/25/08 04:27:35 broder [62] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-standard.info (added) Creating macathena-standard for simpler install 01/25/08 04:08:55 broder [61] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (modified) I'm an idiot 01/25/08 03:51:31 broder [60] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athinfo.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athrun.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attach.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attachandrun.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libathdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (modified) Fixed the paths by adding svn to the URLs for packages. Also created athrun and attachandrun packages 01/25/08 02:58:12 broder [59] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Whoops - I made lots of changes here. The script now produces the same tarballs if you run it more than once 01/25/08 02:55:57 broder [58] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-add.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athinfo.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-attach.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libathdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-moira.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (modified) attach and add. Also, now that the magic tarballer script works, md5sums had to be changed 01/25/08 02:54:16 broder [57] * trunk/source/attach/setup.py (added) Add setup.py script for attach 01/25/08 02:34:36 broder [56] * trunk/source/add/setup.py (modified) I'm an idiot and didn't put the right paths in the setup.py file for add 01/25/08 02:17:05 broder [55] * trunk/source/add/attach-add.py (modified) * trunk/source/add/macathena-add.csh (added) * trunk/source/add/macathena-add.sh (added) * trunk/source/add/setup.py (added) Hopefully made add less broken and more installable 01/25/08 00:52:46 broder [54] * trunk/source (moved) source is a better name than packages 01/25/08 00:42:49 broder [53] * trunk/packages (added) * trunk/packages/add (added) * trunk/packages/add/attach-add.py (copied) * trunk/packages/attach (added) * trunk/packages/attach/attach (copied) * trunk/packages/pyhesiodfs (moved) * trunk/scripts (deleted) Rearranging all of our own packages into their own directory - this will lead to a script to build tarballs for them 01/25/08 00:26:20 broder [52] * trunk/scripts/attach (moved) Ok. Mission-critical files shouldn't sit in the ports directory anymore 01/24/08 23:53:59 broder [51] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athinfo.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libathdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.info (modified) Whoops...screwed up the paths. Sorry 01/24/08 23:41:44 broder [50] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athinfo.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-base.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libathdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-moira.info (modified) Ok, yeah - I suck at dependencies. Most of them should be right now 01/24/08 23:37:12 broder [49] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athinfo.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libathdir.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.info (modified) Fixed dependencies 01/24/08 23:30:35 broder [48] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athinfo.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-machtype.patch (added) Created athinfo and machtype packages 01/24/08 22:35:34 broder [47] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-athdir.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-base.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libathdir.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-moira.info (modified) Fixed version on moira, set automake dependency on macathena-base, wrote athdir and libathdir packages 01/24/08 22:31:56 broder [46] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Changed macathenaDist.py to use Athena 10 svn as upstream when possible 01/24/08 00:40:48 broder [45] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-moira.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-moira.patch (added) We have moira! 01/24/08 00:12:42 broder [44] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-base.info (modified) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-hesiod.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libhesiod.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-libhesiod.patch (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (modified) Added packages for libhesiod and hesiod 01/23/08 23:28:58 broder [43] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/macathena-base.info (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (modified) Unbroke pyhesiodfs and added macathena-base 01/23/08 22:13:13 broder [42] * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (modified) Updated info file to reflect pyHesiodFS patch 01/23/08 22:05:31 broder [41] * trunk/pyHesiodFS/pyHesiodFS.py (modified) Patch from me. Fixes the README file and volname 01/23/08 21:58:20 broder [40] * trunk/fink (added) * trunk/fink/main (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo (added) * trunk/fink/main/finkinfo/pyhesiodfs.info (added) We have a fink package now! 01/23/08 02:14:14 broder [39] * trunk/pyHesiodFS/MANIFEST (deleted) * trunk/pyHesiodFS/configure.in (added) * trunk/pyHesiodFS/edu.mit.sipb.mit-automounter.plist.in (moved) Starting to move pyHesiodFS to build system - last commit before fink migration 01/22/08 16:42:06 broder [38] * trunk/pyHesiodFS (added) * trunk/pyHesiodFS/MANIFEST (added) * trunk/pyHesiodFS/edu.mit.sipb.mit-automounter.plist (added) * trunk/pyHesiodFS/hesiod.py (added) * trunk/pyHesiodFS/pyHesiodFS.py (added) * trunk/pyHesiodFS/setup.py (added) Adding pyHesiodFS to trunk. I fixed the bug with the 1-tuple, but made no other modifications 01/21/08 18:22:51 broder [37] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-standard/Portfile (modified) 01/11/08 00:13:10 broder [36] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-athdir/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-athinfo/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-athrun/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-attachandrun/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-getcluster/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-libathdir/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-libxj/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-machtype/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-moira/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-standard/Portfile (modified) Updated checksums; dist tarballs were generated using root@macathena.mit.edu 01/11/08 00:12:11 broder [35] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Trying to make this not create different tarballs on different machines 01/08/08 19:20:49 broder [34] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-athdir/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-getcluster/Portfile (modified) Regenerating some of the distribution archives caused checksums to change - this corrects them (I should really make it so that the checksums don't change...) 01/08/08 19:19:02 broder [33] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Added some extra functionality for libraries that need more files than just the autoconf stuff 01/08/08 14:49:17 broder [32] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-libxj (added) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-libxj/Portfile (added) libxj port 01/08/08 13:57:58 broder [31] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Starting to make progress towards an xcluster port 01/08/08 02:57:44 broder [30] * trunk/locker-bin/checksums.py (modified) checksums.py should output rmd160 instead of ripemd160 (yes, I know, I'm making pointless commits, but I want to get this hook working) 01/08/08 02:42:15 broder [29] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-standard/Portfile (modified) Fixing macathena-standard - if you've installed it, it will be broken 01/08/08 02:38:25 broder [28] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-getcluster (added) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-getcluster/Portfile (added) Created a macathena-getcluster port 01/08/08 02:21:31 broder [27] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Added getcluster to the macathenaDist.py 01/08/08 01:58:21 broder [26] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-athinfo (added) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-athinfo/Portfile (added) Added athinfo port 01/08/08 00:24:12 broder [25] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Adding athinfo to the list of macathenaDist files 01/06/08 03:25:11 broder [24] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) Added references for the new ports in the dist generation script 01/06/08 03:12:51 broder [23] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-standard/Portfile (modified) macathena-standard now depends on the new attach, attachandrun, and athrun 01/06/08 02:57:11 broder [22] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-athrun (added) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-athrun/Portfile (added) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-attach/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-attachandrun (added) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-attachandrun/Portfile (added) attachandrun and athrun both work. attach is still broken 01/06/08 02:13:38 broder [21] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-attach (added) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-attach/Portfile (added) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-attach/files (added) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-attach/files/attach (moved) There's an attach port! It's kind of broken, though, because it's really dependent on the pyHesiodFs automounter, which isn't a port yet. It also kind of depends on a macathena-add port, but I don't have that either. 01/02/08 15:04:25 broder [20] * trunk/ports/net/macathena-athdir/Portfile (modified) * trunk/ports/net/macathena-libathdir/Portfile (modified) libathdir and athdir don't violate the mtree, so remove that flag 01/02/08 14:54:45 broder [19] * trunk/locker-bin/macathenaDist.py (modified) macathenaDist does date-based checkouts instead of revision based checkouts This way if we want to specify a particular timestamp to use, we can do that