# ChangeLog for /trunk/site/index.html
# Generated by Trac 0.10.4
# 02/27/25 02:53:39
01/31/08 05:19:14 broder [100]
* trunk/site/images/gradient.png (modified)
* trunk/site/index.html (modified)
* trunk/site/install.html (added)
* trunk/site/styles/layout.css (modified)
Put install instructions on their own page
01/31/08 04:47:08 broder [99]
* trunk/site/index.html (modified)
* trunk/site/styles/layout.css (modified)
* trunk/site/styles/style.css (modified)
Installation instructions (and some other real content) with some
editing from geofft. I'm probably going to spin the installation
instructions off to their own page shortly
01/30/08 05:58:24 broder [98]
* trunk/site/images (added)
* trunk/site/images/gradient.png (added)
* trunk/site/index.html (added)
* trunk/site/styles (added)
* trunk/site/styles/layout.css (added)
* trunk/site/styles/style.css (added)
Initial layout work with lorem ipsum for content. Thank to andersk,
quentin, and biyeun who also provided input on the layout