# # ChangeLog for /trunk/source/pyhesiodfs # # Generated by Trac 0.10.4 # 03/12/25 23:26:17 # 01/27/08 13:14:48 broder [77] * trunk/source/pyhesiodfs/COPYING (added) * trunk/source/pyhesiodfs/configure.in (deleted) * trunk/source/pyhesiodfs/copyright (added) * trunk/source/pyhesiodfs/edu.mit.sipb.mit-automounter.plist (moved) Changing pyhesiodfs to comply with licensing (see #5) and removing autoconf files - they'll be replaced by a patch script in the fink installer 01/25/08 00:52:46 broder [54] * trunk/source (moved) source is a better name than packages 01/25/08 00:42:49 broder [53] * trunk/packages (added) * trunk/packages/add (added) * trunk/packages/add/attach-add.py (copied) * trunk/packages/attach (added) * trunk/packages/attach/attach (copied) * trunk/packages/pyhesiodfs (moved) * trunk/scripts (deleted) Rearranging all of our own packages into their own directory - this will lead to a script to build tarballs for them