
Revision 74, 0.9 kB (checked in by broder, 16 years ago)

Updated checksums to match new

1 Package: macathena-getcluster
2 Version: 22699
3 Revision: 1
4 Source:
5 Maintainer: SIPB MacAthena Project <>
6 HomePage:
7 License: BSD
8 Description: Retrieve Hesiod info for Athena workstations
9 DescDetail: <<
10         Retrieve service cluster info from Hesiod for Athena workstations
11         The getcluster program is used on all Athena workstations to find the
12         service cluster information for the workstation and writes a list of
13         environment variable assignments which can be used to initialize a
14         shell accordingly.
15 <<
16 Source-MD5: 662aa267d3c555019007dac9b243a9b7
18 Depends: macathena-libhesiod
19 BuildDepends: automake1.9
20 UpdateConfigGuess: true
21 CompileScript: <<
22         cp %p/share/automake-1.9/install-sh %b/
23         cp %p/share/automake-1.9/mkinstalldirs %b/
24         autoconf
25         ./configure %c
26         make
27 <<
28 InstallScript: <<
29         make install prefix=%i
30 <<
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