
Revision 50, 1.1 kB (checked in by broder, 17 years ago)

Ok, yeah - I suck at dependencies. Most of them should be right now

1 Package: macathena-moira
2 Version: 20080116
3 Revision: 1
4 Source:
5 Maintainer: SIPB MacAthena Project <>
6 HomePage:
7 License: BSD
8 Description: The Athena Service Management system
9 DescDetail: <<
10         Moira is the Athena Service Management system.  It serves as the
11         central repository for information about users, groups hosts, print
12         queues, and several other aspects of the Athena environment.
13 <<
14 Source-MD5: c4ee8b7555546e9b2b70eb31e3307a7e
16 Depends: macathena-hesiod, libncurses5
17 BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12)
18 UpdateConfigGuess: true
19 PatchFile: %n.patch
20 PatchFile-MD5: b351913b158ec878a18051c34b677c3f
21 PatchScript: patch -p0 < %{PatchFile}
22 ConfigureParams: --with-krb5 --with-com_err --with-hesiod
23 CompileScript: <<
24         autoconf
25         env TERM=vt100 ./configure %c
26         make
27 <<
28 InstallScript: <<
29         make install prefix=%i
30         mv %i/bin/chfn %i/bin/chfn.moira
31         mv %i/bin/chsh %i/bin/chsh.moira
32         mv %i/share/man/man1/chfn.1 %i/share/man/man1/chfn.moira.1
33         mv %i/share/man/man1/chsh.1 %i/share/man/man1/chsh.moira.1
34 <<
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