
Revision 103, 0.6 kB (checked in by broder, 17 years ago)

Created macathena-tellme and added it to macathena-standard

1 Package: macathena-tellme
2 Version: 22685
3 Revision: 1
4 Source:
5 Maintainer: SIPB MacAthena Project <>
6 HomePage:
7 License: BSD
8 Description: Reports combos and passwords for Athena
9 DescDetail: <<
10         This package provides a symlink to the tellme program, which reports
11         combos and passwords for Athena.
12 <<
13 Source-MD5: 97db443af6163cb09f1540943ea80668
14 DocFiles: debian/copyright
16 Depends: macathena-machtype
17 CompileScript: <<
18 <<
19 InstallScript: <<
20         mkdir -p %i/bin
21         install %b/tellme %i/bin/
22 <<
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