


Copied or renamed
Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @94 [94] 01/29/08 16:02:16 broder One more - macathena-ssl-certificates apparently didn't fail cleanly if …
(edit) @93 [93] 01/29/08 15:51:20 broder Fixed a few bugs
(edit) @92 [92] 01/29/08 15:42:32 broder Made a macathena-basic package and hopefully fixed …
(edit) @91 [91] 01/29/08 06:06:19 broder Forgot to bring ssl-certificates to the latest svn revision
(edit) @90 [90] 01/29/08 06:03:10 broder And one more! Adding macathena-ssl-certificates to macathena-standard I …
(edit) @88 [88] 01/29/08 06:01:30 broder Makefile wasn't necessary after all. Also, created the actual package.
(edit) @84 [84] 01/29/08 03:34:44 broder discuss works! Also, restructured how the DocFiles are defined for …
(edit) @83 [83] 01/28/08 02:18:44 broder macathena-just, macathena-delete, macathena-libgms (trying to use for …
(edit) @81 [81] 01/27/08 17:09:45 broder Made some slight adjustments to how the copyright files are added. Didn't …
(edit) @80 [80] 01/27/08 14:44:56 broder Added license information to all of the packags (fixes #5)
(edit) @75 [75] 01/27/08 05:25:14 broder If macathena-add and macathena-attach had problems with paths not existing …
(edit) @74 [74] 01/27/08 02:17:46 broder Updated checksums to match new
(edit) @71 [71] 01/25/08 22:18:57 broder Making the directory /before/ Python tries to write to it is probably a …
(edit) @70 [70] 01/25/08 22:17:12 broder Apparently you need to explicitly create the lib/python2.5/site-packages …
(edit) @69 [69] 01/25/08 22:15:58 broder I'm an idiot. If this doesn't work I'm explicitly adding the path for the …
(edit) @68 [68] 01/25/08 22:07:20 broder Ok - trying again? This time with the appropriate revision number bump
(edit) @67 [67] 01/25/08 22:01:43 broder Trying to fix Greg's install errors
(edit) @66 [66] 01/25/08 21:38:30 broder Added libxj and getcluster (I know they're useless, but I ported them once …
(edit) @64 [64] 01/25/08 05:16:42 broder macathena-update package - commit to come shortly
(edit) @62 [62] 01/25/08 04:27:35 broder Creating macathena-standard for simpler install
(edit) @61 [61] 01/25/08 04:08:55 broder I'm an idiot
(edit) @60 [60] 01/25/08 03:51:31 broder Fixed the paths by adding svn to the URLs for packages. Also created …
(edit) @58 [58] 01/25/08 02:55:57 broder attach and add. Also, now that the magic tarballer script works, md5sums …
(edit) @51 [51] 01/24/08 23:53:59 broder Whoops...screwed up the paths. Sorry
(edit) @50 [50] 01/24/08 23:41:44 broder Ok, yeah - I suck at dependencies. Most of them should be right now
(edit) @49 [49] 01/24/08 23:37:12 broder Fixed dependencies
(edit) @48 [48] 01/24/08 23:30:35 broder Created athinfo and machtype packages
(edit) @47 [47] 01/24/08 22:35:34 broder Fixed version on moira, set automake dependency on macathena-base, wrote …
(edit) @45 [45] 01/24/08 00:40:48 broder We have moira!
(edit) @44 [44] 01/24/08 00:12:42 broder Added packages for libhesiod and hesiod
(edit) @43 [43] 01/23/08 23:28:58 broder Unbroke pyhesiodfs and added macathena-base
(edit) @42 [42] 01/23/08 22:13:13 broder Updated info file to reflect pyHesiodFS patch
(add) @40 [40] 01/23/08 21:58:20 broder We have a fink package now!
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